Responsible for the content of this website is
VIVAI Software AG
Betenstr. 13-15
D-44137 Dortmund
Fon : +49 231 914488-0
Fax : +49 231 914488-88
E-Mail: info@vivai.de
board of directors
- board of directors
- Thomas Horster-Möller
- Dr. Bettina Horster
- Chairman of the Supervisory Board
- Norbert Horster
More information
Entry in the commercial register
District Court Dortmund
HRB 14851
USt-IDNr. DE 18 18 57 854
Design, implementation & technical operation:
VIVAI Software AG
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The responsibility for this external content lies solely with the provider who provides the content. Before setting up the corresponding link, the websites of the other providers were checked with great care and to the best of our knowledge and belief. However, no guarantee can be given for the completeness and correctness of information that can be reached via hyperlinks. The content of the other websites can be changed at any time without the knowledge of the VIVAI editorial team.
The following applies to all links on these pages: We emphasize that we have no influence on the design and content of the pages of other providers that can be accessed via links from our homepage and that we do not adopt their content as our own. This declaration applies to all pages on this homepage and the links there.
If VIVAI Software AG refers to pages whose content gives cause for complaint, the Internet editorial team asks for notification.
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Betenstraße 13-15
D-44137 Dortmund
Fon: +49 231 914488-0
Fax: +49 231 914488-88
E-Mail: info@vivai.de
Entry in the commercial register
District Court Dortmund
HRB 14851
Sales tax ID number:
DE 18 18 57 854
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